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SPI Job Opportunity:  Finance Officer


Cloughjordan Ecovillage, operated by Sustainable Projects Ireland CLG (SPI), is a registered educational charity, focused on sustainable living. It features a 67-acre site, with over 100 residents in green homes, 20,000 planted trees, and Ireland’s largest renewable energy district heating system. We aim to create and manage a sustainable village, serving as a resource for education, enterprise, research, and services, demonstrating a viable community model for the 21st century. We promote our work through various media and educational programs.

Job Description 

The Finance Officer role requires an experienced bookkeeper who is proficient in QuickBooks. The role involves supporting the charity’s financial management with routine bookkeeping tasks, ensuring all financial deadlines are met accurately and efficiently, in line with the requirements of the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA). (A working knowledge of charitable organisations is extremely desirable.)

The Finance Officer’s tasks include:

  • Using and maintaining accounting systems with accuracy.
  • Handling payroll, invoicing, payments and bank transfers.
  • Contacting clients and suppliers where necessary.
  • Tracking financial transactions, providing accounts reports and filing VAT/ tax returns.
  • Reporting to the Board and attending meetings where necessary.
  • Coordinating with budget holders and the accountant/auditor.
  • Supporting broader SPI activities as needed.

Working time

The position is 7 hours a week.There is a possibility that the role and hours may expand in the future, subject to funding availability and by mutual agreement. We are a family-friendly employer and the work schedule can be flexible, in agreement with the Staff Liaison person.

Essential Skills

The candidate must be experienced in bookkeeping and have a good knowledge of accounting systems. They also need to have excellent numeracy, accuracy, strong ICT skills (including QuickBooks and MS Word/Excel) as well as the ability to organise and prioritise tasks. An ability to work independently, solve problems, maintain confidentiality and possession of  good communication skills are further requirements for this role.

Experience and Knowledge

The candidate must be proficient in QuickBooks, VAT application and ROS procedures, and have an awareness of the relevant data protection law. Ideally, they will have experience in bookkeeping for charitable organisations and of working with accountants. Knowledge of the Charities’ Governance Code, relevant CRA and CRO requirements are highly desirable.

Please send a CV and an email outlining (in one page) what you would bring to the position to [email protected] on or before Friday 9 August.


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