
Bigger Than

In this section we look at networks for connecting place-based learning centres.

The webinar recording on Networks brings together representatives from UK organisations that run funded, formal networks to share their experiences of what might be possible. There is a map of the organisations currently working on Community Climate Action that have expressed an interest in being part of a formal network and some guidelines on what resources such a network would require going forward.

A range of place-based centres, ecovillages, organisations, educational farms, permaculture projects and more!

If you are interested in being included in this map and a network into the future – please get in touch below

    Please get in touch below

    Ní neart go cur le chéile
    There is no strength without unity

    Hosted by Suzie Cahn from Carraig Dúlra Permaculture Farm, it draws on the experience of Kath Baker from the Permaculture Association of Britain, who manages and supports their Learning And Network Demonstration projects across the UK, and Tara O’Leary from the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network who is the Programme Lead for their new funding to support place-based learning.

    The four centres hosting this webinar series are embracing the African ‘Lou’ proverb, which has many adaptations in the West: “Alone, a youth runs fast; with an elder, slow, but together they go far.” Additionally, they are considering the core concept that despite complexity and polycrisis, we need to remember ‘festina lente’ (of Greek later Roman origin) – to be hurrying slowly – as this can be more effective in bringing about the necessary and enduring changes we seek.

    This webinar does not shy away from addressing the challenges and potential drawbacks of directing energy towards network establishment. Do we need another network? If we establish a solidarity network specifically tailored for local, place-based sustainability learning centres in Ireland, how would it build all our capabilities to meet the polycrisis?

    The panel guides a discussion on the unique benefits and considerations of creating a collaborative framework for local centres.

    This webinar was recorded on Friday 1st March 2024

    Next Steps


    This roadmap provides a structured plan for the establishment and growth of the solidarity network, focusing on key areas such as resource-sharing, financial sustainability, capacity building, community engagement, and ongoing evaluation for continuous improvement.

    Key areas:
    • Community-Centric Learning: How a solidarity network could enhance place-based education, fostering a deeper connection between sustainability initiatives and local communities.
    • Resource Sharing on a Local Scale: Exploring the practical advantages of collaborative efforts among nearby learning centres for shared resources, consortium bidding, and sharing knowledge, and expertise.
    • Empowering Grassroots Initiatives: Discussing the potential of a solidarity network in amplifying the impact of community-driven sustainability projects.
    • Overcoming Local Challenges: Addressing region-specific obstacles and proposing strategies to navigate and mitigate them effectively.
      Measuring Success Locally: Evaluating the tangible benefits of collaboration within the context of local, place-based sustainability education.
    • a. Formation of Steering Committee:
      • Identify key stakeholders and potential members.
      • Establish a steering committee to guide the network’s formation.
      b. Visioning Workshop:
      • Conduct a workshop to collaboratively define the vision, mission, and core values of the solidarity network.
      • Identify the common goals and values shared among the members.
      c. Resource Assessment:
      • Survey potential members to assess their existing resources and capabilities.
      • Identify areas where resource-sharing can be particularly beneficial.
    • a. Establish Online Platform:
      • Develop and launch a centralized online platform for communication, collaboration, and resource-sharing.
      • Include features for forums, document sharing, and collaborative project spaces.
      b. Membership Guidelines:
      • Develop clear guidelines for membership, emphasizing commitment to shared goals and active participation.
      • Outline the benefits of being a part of the network.
      c. Training Program Development:
      • Create a comprehensive training program on effective networking, collaboration strategies, and collective impact.
      • Include modules on resource-sharing, financial resilience, and shared responsibility.
    • a. Financial Workshops:
      • Organize workshops on sustainable financial models, diversification, and collaborative funding applications.
      • Provide guidance on securing grants and funding opportunities.
      b. Resource Pooling Initiatives:
      • Facilitate collaborative funding applications among members to pool resources for joint projects.
      • Establish a fund for emergency support within the network.
      c. Diversification Strategies:
      • Provide guidance on diversifying revenue streams to ensure financial resilience.
      • Encourage members to explore alternative funding sources.
    • a. Educational Resource Development:
      • Prioritize the development of practical educational resources with a focus on real-world applications.
      • Collaboratively create a repository of resources that can be shared among members.
      b. Training Programs:
      • Conduct training sessions on using and implementing the developed educational resources.
      • Foster a culture of continuous learning within the network.
    • a. Marketing and Outreach:
      • Develop centralized systems for marketing the educational offerings of the centers.
      • Create promotional materials and campaigns to raise awareness.
      b. Community Events:
      • Organize community events to showcase the collective impact of the network.
      • Engage with local communities and build relationships.
    • a. Organization Setup Guides:
      • Create templates and guides for setting up and managing organizations.
      • Offer practical insights to navigate administrative challenges efficiently.
      b. Network Support Roles:
      • Establish collaborative network management and support roles.
      • Foster a sense of shared responsibility and mutual assistance among members.
    • a. Performance Metrics:
      • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of the network.
      • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of network activities.
      b. Feedback Loops:
      • Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from members.
      • Use feedback to iterate and improve the network’s strategies and offerings.